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顺德李小龙乐园.中国 广州淇淇玩具有限公司网站建设项目
BlancNeige was created 21 years ago from a mother's love for her children. Blanc Neige's creator, Yuki Akiyama, had a desperate need to find a cure for her 3 children with an extreme case of skin dermatitis called "atopy". After consulting with doctors constantly, she realized that medication along with medicated creams ...
属性 :化妆品,保健品...
周期 :20 工作日
地址 :
日期 :2010-11-13 12:07
  • {dede:field.title/}
  • BlancNeige was created 21 years ago from a mother's love for her children. Blanc Neige's creator, Yuki Akiyama, had a desperate need to find a cure for her 3 children with an extreme case of skin dermatitis called "atopy". After consulting with doctors constantly, she realized that medication along with medicated creams would not be a solution for her childrens' skin troubles. She could not bear to see her children suffer and the idea of them being dependent on medication for a lifetime saddened her.
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