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浙江朗姿实业有限公司官方网站建设项目 广州三芽贸易有限公司网站建设项目
R.d isplay is a professional design, production, processing and sales of jeans enterprise. For ten years, the company is devoted to the development and production of cowboy clothing each link, concentrate on studying water and modification technology, research and development dress fabrics, will international latest trend, the latest tren...
属性 :外贸服装网站建设、休闲服装网站......
周期 :20 工作日
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日期 :2012-05-02 19:13
  • {dede:field.title/}
  • R.d isplay is a professional design, production, processing and sales of jeans enterprise. For ten years, the company is devoted to the development and production of cowboy clothing each link, concentrate on studying water and modification technology, research and development dress fabrics, will international latest trend, the latest trend of development into the cowboy clothing. In the emphasis of modern fashion at the same time, the cowboy clothing represent vigor, confidence and make public, to do not have a design, to fight a comfortable, perfect exquisite products.
    R.d isplay is a professional design, production and sales of jeans enterprise. The company introduced the advanced production equipment, with standardized production environment and efficient and reasonable management system, for producing fashion, high-quality clothing tireless.
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